The Standards outlined by EDRM framework

ERDM stands for Electronic Discovery Reference Model. EDRM is a framework that outlines the standards for the discovery and recovery and of digital data. EDRM is a conceptual standard for the e-discovery process. It is designed to gather and assimilate the electronic data during the legal process, including the discovery of criminal evidence.

Stages of EDRM

The EDRM consists of nine steps for Electronically Stored Information management. It is not necessary to implement all the steps of EDRM for discovering relevant data. In fact, involvement of only some of the stages may suffice the purpose.

        Information management- implementingdata governance processes to mitigate risk and costs in the event of an electronic discovery request.
        Identification- Locating sources of information for determining the nature of data and the steps involved in its management.
        Preservation- ensuring that the potential e-discovery ESI is stored properly by preventing it from inappropriate tampering and destruction.
        Collection-gathering information for E-discovery use.
        Processing-reducing the ESI and converting it into suitable forms for review and analysis, if required.
        Review-determining the data’s e-discovery’s relevance and privilege.
        Analysis-analyzing ESI for content and context, including topics, people, key patterns, etc.
        Production-delivering the ESI relevant parties.
        Presentation-displaying the data findings at depositions, hearings, trials, etc., especially in native and non-native forms, to extract further information and validate the existing facts or positions.

EDRM Stages Standards

        Identification Standard- The purpose is to outline standards for the identification of ESI in discovery. There are two main components of Identification standards: Early Case Assessment and Early Data Assessment.
1      Early Case Assessment involves triggering events, facts of the case, case value, outside counsel, case strategy, etc. for the assessment of the case. Here, Document Review Services work well in plotting the case strategy.
2      In Early Data Assessment, a Document Review Company should provide counsel with the necessary information to understand relevant types of data and its location.
        Collection Standard- It ensures different types of data collected using methods such as Forensic Image, Custom Context, Non-Forensic Copy, and Exports- Harvesting Email as well as non-Email.
        Processing Standard-It is a guide to address the processing of data from an electronic storage device into an e-discovery database. A Document Review Company can use various tools available to process e-discovery data such as Ipro's capture and eScan-IT, LexisNexis's LAW PreDiscovery and Early Data Analyzer, etc. These tools help Document Review Services with Virus Protection, features like Container Files, Metadata Fields, etc.

Role of SKJ Juris

In legal matters, with EDRM involving standard rules for discovery and recovery and of digital data, it is important to avoid any mistake and error which could incur costs. For this reason, most of the firms hire Document Review Servicesprovider.

SKJ Juris is among the top Document Review Companieswhich provide world-class assistance inDocument Review Services. With its expertise, it offers unsurpassedsupport with appropriate guidance at an affordable price. We, at SKJ Juris, value the importance of legal matters and promise our customers with the fastest and efficient Document Review Services within the set deadline.


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